Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mystery Cards at NewSongs and at Home!

For the past few months, the teachers at NewSongs have been using a motivation game called Mystery Cards to motivate the students to do their best.  And it works!

At the start of the class the student picks a card but only the teacher can see what the card says.  The student doesn't know what is on the card and must work hard to not break any "rules".  At the end of the lesson the teacher and student look at the card and decide if the student followed the "rule" and therefore earned a ticket.  When the student earns 5 or more tickets he gets to "buy" a prize from the prize box. 

The Little Musicians mystery cards are as follows:

  • I played all the games
  • I used good piano posture for the entire lesson
  • I listened well without doodling on the piano
  • I didn't make any excuses
  • I played my songs correctly
  • I used a great hand position for the entire lesson
  • I remembered to bring my notebook and my music
  • I adjusted the bench before I played
  • I had a positive attitude
  • I danced and moved to the music
Mystery cards eliminate all nagging and negative remarks.  Instead of having to tell someone to stop doing something, I just say, "Oh, I hope that isn't your mystery card!"  and the child immediately stops breaking the "rule"!

Because of the success of the Mystery Cards in the Little Musician classes, I have begun to use Mystery Cards at home with my 5 and 3 year olds. 

It has been successful so far! 

I have them pick a mystery card in the morning at breakfast and we review what their card said at dinner time.  If they did what was on the card then they earn a sticker for their sticker chart.  When their chart is full they get to go for ice cream or hot chocolate with Daddy.

The "At Home" Mystery Cards are:
  • I didn't cry today
  • I put my shoes in the basket
  • I put my dirty clothes in the basket
  • I gave everyone hugs and kisses today
  • I shared my toys and stuff with my sister
  • I had a happy, positive attitude
  • I read a book
  • I picked up my toys without whining
  • I made a picture
  • I didn't hit or hurt my sister
The Mystery Cards are a great motivational tool!  You can be positive and still direct your children to behave the way you need them to!

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the mystery cards, but I'm a bit concerned by the idea of a card that says 'I didn't cry today'. Crying is a normal reaction to so many little hurts for little people and I would hate my children to feel it was somehow better to hide their feelings when they're feeling physical or emotional pain. Is this what you mean by the no-cry card, or is it more about tantrums?
