Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Important Parade Information!!!

WHEN:  Parade participants in the Western Festival Parade on April 30 need to meet us AT the staging area at 9 am. 

WHERE:  We are, at this time, given number 19 in the parade and will be waiting on School street off of Elk Grove Blvd (just West of Waterman road).  We should be approximately between Yount and Voos Ct. on School Street.  The parade will end at Elk Grove High School. 

PARKING:  You will not be able to park at the staging area (there are several parking lots on the corner of Elk Grove Blvd and Waterman, so you can park your vehicle after dropping students off if you like).  Please coordinate with friends to have a vehicle waiting at the parade end point and return you if you left a car at the parade start point.  Note that you will not be allowed back in the staging area after 9:45 am because the parade starts at 10 am.

HOW LONG:  The parade typically takes at least 2 hours so anticipate finishing between noon and 1 most likely. 

PIZZA PARTY:  Students will be dismissed from the end of the parade route if you like, but we will also be hosting an after-party with pizza at Newsongs after the parade (please note students will need a ride over), and we will also need help unloading our float.

NEWSONGS SHIRTS OR WESTERN:  We have ordered NewSongs T-shirts in child and adult sizes.  You may sign up for one in the lobby, and we will be distributing the shirts at the float just before the parade.  Suggested donation for shirts is $7.50.  If you would not like to wear a NewSongs shirt, then "western" themed clothing is best.  Cowboy hats are encouraged ::  (Speaking of which, Mr. Michael needs to borrow an adult sized hat that looks appropriate for "Woody" from Toy Story--please let me know if you can help me out)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Western Festival is this Saturday!

Dear Families
Welcome back from Spring Break!

Remember, THIS Saturday, April 30th, we will be participating in the Western Festival Parade.  ALL students are invited to walk with our float!

It's not too late to dress up in the "Toy Story" theme if you would like to contact me about your costume idea.  Otherwise, you may also want to get a NEW T-Shirt.  We have colorful orange shirts that proudly say "Music Maker" on the front, with NewSongs info on the back.  Shirts are available for $7.50.  (You can claim one on the signup form this week, but the shipment is coming in right before the parade and we will distribute at the float site).

We still need volunteers to help construct our simple float on Friday morning or afternoon.  Please contact me if you can help.

Students with Saturday lessons PLEASE contact us ASAP to reschedule your lesson if you have not done so already, because we would hope to have you come in during this week if possible.

I hope you are as excited as I am.  Please let me know any further questions.
Also please support our students that are performing next to Rhoades School and the swimming pool in Elk Grove Park on the Western Idol stage on Sunday at 11am.

And lastly...did you see the article about NewSongs Disneyland-themed piano program in the Elk Grove Citizen on April 20th?  If not, see it here

Saturday, April 23, 2011

NewSongs has been featured in the Elk Grove Citizen!

They’re going to ‘Disneyland’

School director, Michael Hemsworth (far right), aims to make practicing music fun with new Disney curriculum.

Local music school launches themed program

By Raina LeGarreta - Lifestyle & Arts Editor
Published: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:38 PM PDT
NewSongs School of Music in Elk Grove is taking their piano students on a trip to Disneyland - minus the overpriced tickets and the one-hour wait in line at Space Mountain.

No, the students are not attempting to raise funds for an actual trip to the fantasyland of zip-a-dee-do-dah’s. But, they will be embarking on a special adventure of Disney-themed music activities all year long.

“Practicing (music) is going to be a lot of hard work no matter what,” said Michael Hemsworth, a teacher and the school director at NewSongs. “So making it an enjoyable, fun experience for the students will help them achieve more.”

For five years, NewSong has held the motto “Music for Life” and continues to help young students “Inspire, Create, and Learn” music.

Hemsworth knows that many students can suffer from music lesson burnout, so the school has always included different programs to keep them interested in continuing to perfect their crafts.

This time, Hemsworth, an avid fan of Disneyland, came up with the idea of adding a new Disney-themed curriculum to the school. Geared to elementary and middle school aged piano students, The Disneyland Music Passport program contains activities that were designed with the traditional piano instruction model in mind, but with the addition of a fun and creative twist.

In this program, students will be able to “visit” lands like Fantasyland or the Haunted Mansion by doing warm-up exercises or playing duets of themes from the classic Disney areas. In each land, they will learn music theory and how to compose and improvise music.

Students will have the opportunity to perform solos such as the Mickey Mouse March or the Indiana Jones theme. They will also be able to learn the vocabulary for different tempos in music by going through note naming flashcards on Space Mountain.

“I wanted to tie learning into something they already knew and enjoyed,” said Hemsworth of the students.

Disney has supported the new program by sending packs of park maps and Mickey Mouse stickers to the school. The adventures will begin this month.

“I think this will make learning music more memorable for the students,” Hemsworth said.

For more information on The Disneyland Music Passport program, you can visit NewSong’s website at


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Music Sessions are Coming!

A friendly and fun place to make music and watch your student grow.

June 6 to August 12, 2011

  • Piano Camp
A "vacation" to Disneyland, featuring fun piano activities that teach students basic skills or reading and making music at the piano

Mon-Thurs 12:30 to 2pm  $99

  • Summer Strumming:
6 week intro to guitar featuring popular songs of yesterday and today.

Tues 5:30, Wed 4:30, Sat 1 pm  $109

  • Glee Choir

  • Spotlight Musical Theater

  • String Ensemble
Learn to play American and Irish folk music as well as classical music (6 weeks)

Sat 12-1 pm  $99

  • Toddler and Preschool Music
Ignite a love of music in your little ones.

Thurs at 2:30 and 3:30  $75 per month

Plus open registration for Drum, Voice, Piano, Guitar, Violin.

Discounts:  10% off all session when pre-registering by May 20th, 2011

10% off additional sibling registration

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gotta Dance! Practice music with your whole body!

When was the last time you turned on some music and boogied to the beat?

This is an extremely fun and important part of learning music!

Swaying to the pulse...marching to the beat...tapping to the rhythm...

all help musicians feel the natural pulse and beat of the song with their bodies.

Activity:  turn on your favorite music and start moving!

Skills:  Finding the pulse of the song and matching it with your body

Variations:  Find a scarf or ribbon to twirl with the music
                    Use sticks and tap out the beat

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vote for us! KCRA-A List!

Help us become Your Number One Music School!

We're Competing badge

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reminder- Spring Break Next Week!

Remember that NewSongs will be closed next week due to Spring Break!

April 17 - 23

Wishing you all a great week!

Monday, April 11, 2011

We Need You! Western Festival Parade! Rehearsal this Saturday!

We are looking for students to participate in the parade with us! 

We will be performing the songs "You've Got a Friend in Me,"  "Let's Get Together" and "You Can't Stop the Beat."

We will use recorded accompaniment and have students play along acoustic-style on guitar or violin.  See you teacher for music to learn.  And students will be singing as a group with a few assigned solos.

Students may also participate by simply walking with us in the parade!

Whole families are welcome.

There is a mandatory rehearsal on Saturday, April 16th from 10am to 1pm. 

Please sign up in the lobby and talk to your teacher!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Vote NewSongs for the Best Music School on the KCRA A-list!

Help us become the best music school in Sacramento!

Vote for us on the KCRA A-List.

Just click on the link below to cast your vote!

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Break April 17-April 23 and the 30th

NewSongs will be closed the week before Easter, April 17-23.

We will also be closed on Saturday, April 30 for the Western Festival.

We hope you have a great Spring break!

Don't forget to practice!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Western Festival is Coming, April 30!!

We Need Your Help!
We are looking forward to having students participate in the Elk Grove Western Festival again this year!  The Western Festival Parade will be on Saturday, April 30th and we are looking for plenty of volunteers to help. 

Here are some of the things we need:
*A pickup truck capable of pulling a flatbed trailer float
*A driver for the truck
*Volunteers to help with float construction on Friday, April 29th, AM or PM
*A sound system for the float (and ideally, a "tech" person responsible for setting up and running it--this may be something that could be borrowed from a church, or a DJ friend?)
*Donations of water bottles, snacks for participants, etc
*Parents who will be walking in the parade that can help monitor/supervise

We hope to have 2 performance teams in the parade,

1.  A band including: one or more voice students, a drummer, guitarists, a bass player, and possible keyboard or violinist. 

2.  Plus an ensemble or drama/glee choir. 

The two will rotate performing in the parade, and possibly perform in the park after the parade.
Please contact your teacher or sign up if you are interested in performing in the band

Younger students are encouraged to walk in the parade even if not performing.  All walkers need a parent or guardian accompanying them.