Thursday, January 13, 2011

Meet Mr. Michael

If you have visited NewSongs than you have met Mr. Michael.  But do you really know him?  Here is your chance!

What do you do at NewSongs?
Teach piano lessons, teach outside music programs at the CA Montessori Project, read weekly storytimes at the Elk Grove Library, take violin lessons, research and implement new curriculum, meet with new students and their families, work with staff to keep improving our teaching, answer all random questions, and have a lot of fun!

Why do you play the piano?
I've always loved the piano, although I was a "late" starter (end of elementary school).  I am very curious and I LOVE learning new things about music, so I always knew I would do well as a teacher.

When did you start teaching?
When I was 16.  (Disclaimer:  I also finished college when I was 18)

Who inspires you?
My family and my students.  Seeing anyone believe and strive to be their very best and live their dreams motivates and inspires me.  I think people, especially children, are amazingly incredible in what they can be.

What do you do for fun?
Play with my kids, hang out with my wife, and go to Disneyland.

What are some of your favorites?
Food:  Coffee
Color:  Blue
Movie:  Any musical!  Maybe "Singing in the Rain"
CD/music:  Currently in my car is a new collections of pieces with Yo-Yo Ma and famous musicians from a variety of styles:  vocal to bluegrass, jazz to classical.

What are your dreams for your life?
Finally finish some of the music-themed children's books I have been working on and unleash them on the world.

Thank you, Mr. Michael, for telling us more about you!  Now we all know the important things such as coffee is his favorite food  and he loves Disneyland!  Check back soon, your favorite teacher may be next!

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