What inspirations and dreams does a young violin teacher have? Let's get to know Ms. Rachel!
What do you do at NewSongs?
I teach violin (the best instrument in the universe!)
Why do you play the violin?
I think the violin is really beautiful, and I like that I can play my favorite kinds of music on it.
When did you start playing the violin?
I started asking for lessons when I was 2 and I started playing at 3.
How often do you practice?
At least 5 days a week.
When did you start teaching?
I've taught violin since September 2008 and I started teaching at NewSongs in the spring of 2009.
What is your favorite part about teaching?
Watching my students go up and perform a piece that they've been working really hard on. It makes me so proud!
What was the best concert you ever went to?
The Ahn Trio, they are really awesome performers.
Who inspires you?
Dr. Suzuki's teaching philosophy is really inspiring to me. I love how he believes that music can make a person's heart more beautiful and that anyone can learn.
What are your dreams for your life?
I would like to get a degree in either music or music therapy and have a job that has to do with children and music.
What do you do besides NewSongs?
Go to my violin lessons, do school work and hang out with my little sisters.
What do you do for fun?
I love reading classics, writing stories, and listening to my favorite musicians.
Here are some of Rachel's favorites:
Food: anything Italian
Color: Green
Movie: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
CD/Music: anything classical or Celtic
Book: The Chronicles of Narnia