Saturday, September 18, 2010

Drama Game for All Ages! Duck, Duck, Animal

This is a fun drama game for all ages!

It teaches improvisation, acting and bit of directing too!

Duck, Duck, Animal

This game is similar to the popular Duck, Duck Goose and begins the same way with the children sitting in a circle and one person who is "It".  This child walks around the circle and taps on each head saying "Duck, Duck...and then calls a different animal such as Elephant.  The chosen child pretends to be the third animal.  Then it is that child's turn to walk around and will say a different animal for the next child to act as.  This continues around the circle until everyone has had a turn to act and direct.

1 comment:

  1. I'm visiting from the we teach support group and love the incorporation of drama into the music curriculum. As a former drama teacher, I know it's so motivating to have a play-based approach to learning.
